Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Life Before the Road

Before my life as a gypsy cat began, I was strictly a house cat.  My paws had never touched the likes of grass -- let alone asphalt.  I'm actually a retired breeder.  After my last litter of 10 kittens, Momma One decided to spay and declaw me, and keep me strictly as a pet.  Life was good with Momma One.

But then my second Momma came along.  She was in desperate need of a companion to love.  She had lost everything (including her pets) and was starting over again in life.  So, Momma One gave me to her dearest friend, so that she wouldn't be alone -- an unselfish act from the bottom of her heart.

Sometimes, I feel sorry for my new Momma.  People often call her a "crazy cat lady" because all she does is talk about me, but they don't understand everything she's been through.  I'm all she's got -- just me, her Jeep, and the clothes on her back traveling cross country like a tumbleweed.

When Momma found out she was going to be traveling with her new job, she decided that she had given up enough in her life and that she wasn't giving up one more thing -- especially me!

Momma did some research and registered me with the Emotional Support Animal Registration of America (ESARA).  Now, I'm the luckiest cat in the world!  I get to go everywhere with Momma!  And so my new life begins . . .

For more information on registering your animal with ESARA visit:
http://www.esaregistration.org or call (888) 316-0855.


  1. Looking forward to seeing your new adventures Bella.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Em, deleted one of your comments. It was a duplicate. Thanks, for checking out Bella's blog.
